Wassertech Reverse Osmosis System 190 L/D
The Wassertech Reverse Osmosis System 190L/D is a filtering device that allows you to obtain water without any impurities, such as poisonous and carcinogenic chemicals, bacteria and viruses. The water filtered through such a device has a much smaller amount of chemical compounds, which makes it easier to control the amount of nutrients in the water.
Filtration is performed in 3 stages:
- Sediment filter - removes large particles of water
- Activated carbon filter - regulates the taste of water
- Reverse osmosis membrane - removes bacteria, heavy metals, dissolved matter and salinity
Reverse Osmosis System 250 L/d
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Reverse Osmosis System 350 L/d
purified water through filters and reverse osmosis Overall apparatus for purifying water by means of 3 and a reverse osmosis filter. Complete with flush valve (for a longer life of membrane and ion-exchange resin), automatic shut-off valve (water saving) and all necessary tubing and fittings. Filled with reacting ion exchange resin, which changes color - when it becomes worn from green to orange. Mounted to the copper pipe 1/2 " Монтира се към медна тръба 1/2"